
Welcome to Heaven Earth

Our aim in creating this site has been to help you grow in ways that support Wellness, Happiness and Inner Peace. We are reinventing and religning the way we help people to heal and be happy.

Robert no longer practises acupuncture.

Robert has retired from Clinical practice and is now focused on creating online courses of deep Relaxation and Meditation.

We are taking the focus off the physical body and focusing on the emotions, mind and spiritual aspects of Life

Over 2019 we will be revamping this website

We are developing an online learning website called

Our first course is now available

Breaking the Stress Cycle - Cultvating Inner Peace

This is a course that uses Meditation, Breathing and Deep Relaxation techniques to help you drop your stress levels while reconnecting you to your own innate Love and Wisdom

News New online course

Breaking the Stress Cycle - Cultivating Inner peace

If you are feeling like there is very little 'space' in your life to be happy or you might be dealing with some stressful health issue that need some loving support, or you feel you need a new uplifting direction for your life, then this course may be of service to you.​

We have designed this course to guide you through a gentle process of releasing your body's stress responses and help you build into your life a practice that enhances your daily quality of life.

It is packed with Relaxation cycles, Breathing techniques and 3 Meditation practices that are easy to learn and practice.

It will help you create that sense of inner space where you have time to breathe and live 'life' with more heartfelt happiness. With practice You will experience the meditation/relaxation response, and learn how to create a daily practice that helps establish the positive neural brain chemicals needed to create your life of choice.

If you are ready to Break your Stress Cycle give our free Trial offer a go

Educational Kinesiology

Educational Kinesiology helps with the physical aspects of learning. Edu-K is an outstanding modality that helps with the integration of the neural networks and helps a person gain more access to their whole brain and inner resources. Session activities take you out of stuck and into a state of flow, more centred and able to more forward in life with purpose and more clarity.​

For more information check here.

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About Us

Robert Kendall

Holistic healer & workshop facilitator

Dip.Med.Herb - Educational /BodyTalk Kinesiologist - Quantum Energetics Practitioner - EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) - Workshop Facilitator - Meditation teacher - Oneness Awakening Facitiator

Robert is a Herbalist and Educational Kinesiologist with over 38 years experience, covering such areas as, Medical Herbalism, Kinesiology and Reiki. For over 38 years he has studied many aspects of the mind and body through the philosophies of Yoga, Zen Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity and Western Psychology.
Robert has taught seminars in the UK and Australia on Accelerated Learning, Creativity, Prosperity, Healing, Tai Chi Chuan and Self Development. He has been a Lecturer in the TCM Faculty of the Australian College of Natural Medicine.
For 5 years Robert and his wife, Shauna lived in Scotland as members of the famous Findhorn Foundation (a charitable Educational & Spiritual Trust). He was the Foundation's only recognised Natural Medicine Practitioner and was a group facilitator within the Educational Staff Faculty.
Robert has also been a professional artist, with paintings in private collections (UK, NZ, Singapore, Hong Kong and Australia). Art and creativity are part of Robert's and Shauna's holistic treatment philosophy....

Shauna Kendall

Visual Artist, Holistic Herbal practitioner and workshop facilitator

Shauna has worked with Robert for over 23 years in Healing, Teaching and Art. Shauna is currently finishing her degree in Advanced Health Science and Herbal Medicine.

She is a trained Infrared Laser Therapist. Her main areas of interest in healing are Brain Gym (Educational Kinesiology), Yoga, Meditation, Quantum Healing techniques, Meridian Tapping Techniques, and working with art as a medium of personal insight and transformation. Her special interest is her relationship to nature and healthy nutrition through herbs and organic food production. Shauna and Robert are members of 'Organic Farm Share'.

As an Artist Shauna loves to paint flowers in watercolour and run art workshops called - Healing through Creativity and Sacred Mandalas.

"I love experiencing the potential of the energy fields available to us, helping to integrate what we find and explore who we are yet to become; that which is yet to be realised"

Our Intention

is to be a part of the awakening consciousness that lovingly serves humanity to awaken.

Our Vision

is for the world to wake up and be healed from its beliefs in separation and suffering; For Humanity to increase its intelligence and to awaken the process of returning to Loving wholeness.

Our Purpose

is to Inspire and Heal (the illusion of separation) the World (people, nature, planet) through the Love of the Sacred (Soul, Spirit, Divine Presence, Universe, God, Divine Mother, All That Is).

Blog News



Weight Loss support

Welcome to the Heaven Earth Natural Therapies Clinic

Healing Modalities

Meditation and Relaxation Classes

Our classes were started because we observed that many of our new clients where suffering from busy minds coming from busy lives filled with stress and a lack of inner peace and happiness

Kinesiology: Healing - muscle testing

Kinesiology, is a modality that utilises muscles to test for disharmonies within the body, Brain and nervous system. The body's own innate wisdom is used to determine the treatment prioities.

Educational Kinesiology - Brain Gym 101 certified 4 day course

Edu-K Is the study of body movement and its relationship to 3 dimensional learning. It is about the physical aspects of learning and behaviour. This course is suitable for parents, grandparents, support people, teachers & teachers support staff. It will help address learning difficulties, assists with memory, focus, comprehension, drawing, reading, writing and math skills, as well as flow on to behavioural issues.
BrainGym is the name given to the 26 specific movements that are part of the BrainGym and Edu-K program. They offer a context for learning through structured play.

BodyTalk Kinesiology

BodyTalk is a style of Kinesiology that incorporates many styles of Natural Therapies. It works on the premise that ill health has been caused by the seperation of the brain's healing abilities to the body. That within each cell lays the innate intelligence of the very first cell that formed the trillions of cells called you. Ill health occurs when this intelligence becomes seperated from the body/mind complex. Body talk reconnects this intelligence to brain and heart so the body may once again come into harmoney and balance.

Infrared Laser Therapy

Life on earth is said to originate from organic matter and evolved in response to light and the environment. Our Laser Therapy utelises & supports this natural phenomenon with a system of highly specialised lasers. Multiple frequencies of light are delivered through the skin and converted by our cells into vital cellular energy (ATP), which is necessary for regeneration and repair of the human body.

Emotional Freedom Techniques EFT / Meridian Tapping

Emotional Freedom Techniques/Meridian Tapping - again making use of the Chinese Medicine model & Kinesiology, tapping on the body's meridians can be highly effective in shifting our perceptual filters - making light work of long hold fears, phobias, obsessive thoughts, headaches, energy blockages, shock, addictions, acute pain symptoms and many other health issues relating to the emotional and physical communication systems.

Quantum Field Energetics - A New approach to Healing and Transformation

We are very excited about this new approach to healing and self transformation. For 4 years now we have been using this new consciousness technology to help clients who have found it difficult to heal. "QFE is a powerful group of consciousness technologies that provides for instantaneous and lifelong transformation. It is based on widely known scientific principles of Quantum Physics"

BioEtheric Healing - Spiritual Healing - Reiki healing

BioEtheric Healing - could be called spiritual healing or pranic healing. We work by holding our hands above the body allowing energy transference to move through the outer energy layer of the body thereby having an effect on the energy meridians and spiritual centers which in turn influence the physical structure and emotional body.. This energy layer is called the etheric layer in the west and Wei Qi in the east. Clients have many different experiences from feeling heat to falling asleep. It can be a very peaceful and relaxing experience

Creativity, Art Therapy and Sacred Healing Mandalas

Using Art and Creativity to enhance your life, to relax, for balance, problem solving and emotional release.. We are creative beings, and we have to learn to express our creativity

Herbal Medicine -Western

Herbal Medicine is the oldest form of medicine on our planet. In fact it is the traditional medicine of all cultures, and is based on observation and experience passed down from generation to generation for thousands of years



  • 01

    EFT - The Essentials of Emotional Freedom Techniques

    EFT is part of the new energy psychology movement.
    In it's easy to learn and practice.
    It has the extraordinary ability to help move your negative emotional states within minutes, as well as release pain, tension, negative thinking and take the stress out of your day to day life.
    It is easily mastered by everyone and can work immediately; a truly beneficial tool for your whole LIFE!

    Date: TBA
    Local: Gold coast area for brochure please contact us Fee: 1 day $185 includes manual and Relaxation CD ($25)
  • 02

    Beginners Heart - Beginners Mind

    Meditation & Deep Relaxation Seminar For Healing & Optimum Health

    There are many methods taught by spiritual traditions, both ancient and modern. We all are living busy and often stressful lives.
    Learning to relax the body and bring peace to the mind is what this day offers.
    This seminar is designed for those of you who wish to start practising meditation but find it all a bit difficult.
    Finding the right way of meditating for you, is what this day is all about.

    Robert and Shauna Kendall will be offering a half day seminar on

    Date : To be Advised Fee & Times to be determined.
    Venue : Varsity Lakes, Gold Coast Bookings are Essential
    For Info & bookings please phone Clinic 0411 715 700

Contact HeavenEarth Healing

Holistic consultants

To make an appointment, or to book one of our Seminars, meditation classes and skype calls, or to simply ask for more information, please contact us...

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Contact Info

Robert Kendall

Email Us At

info @ heavenearthhealing (dot) com

(email written this way to stop spamming)

Rob is also available for Phone and Skype consultations